About Me

I'm originally from Nebraska, and now reside in Texas. I enjoy all the time I can with my grandson, he is the world to me. I also like to crochet, sew and quilt.

Nikki and me at Galveston before Ike

Nikki and me at Galveston before Ike

Terrell - 4 years old

Terrell - 4 years old

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Picture hanging in Glamour Shots

This is the picture of Terrell actually hanging in Glamour Shots. It's hanging right inside the front door, so everyone can see it. The picture was taken with the gentleman that actually took the pictures, he did an awesome job. We are so proud of the little man!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Proud Grandma and mom

Nikki got a new job today, and she is so happy, everytime she gets offered a new job she gets more money. I'm so proud of her!!! AND, Glamour Shots called today and asked if this picture of my pride and joy could be hung in the store. After this store in Katy, TX, it maybe hung in New York, Dallas, just where ever. Isn't he a cutie.